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MyPandit astrologers excellently analyse the horoscope for marriage compatibility, career, health, business, finance etc. They do check the planetary positions in the horoscope, and find out the malefic and benefic planets and provide solutions to overcome difficult situations that come your way. Each zodiac sign has unique traits and thus each native of the horoscope will have a different health status which can be analysed only by expert astrologers. For example, Leo health says they have a connection with the heart, spine, back and blood. Mighty Leo may face issues in the heart, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure etc. Virgo health says they may face issues being overweight. The usual ailments will be related to stomach, irritable bowels and ulcers. Virgos have connections with the abdomen and intestines. Likewise, Pisces health warns that they have a weak immune system and the organs associated are the feet, nervous system and thalamus.
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